According to statistics, every third man over 40 years old experiences problems with potency. The decrease in sexual activity occurs due to age-related changes, improper lifestyle, physical and emotional overstrain, diseases of the genital area. But not all men need medication. Poor potency negatively affects a man's psycho-emotional state, but do not panic. There are ways to quickly increase erection at home. Let's look at them.

How to increase potency through exercise
The first way is physical activity to increase and strengthen sexual activity in men. Exercises allow you to naturally and safely increase male erections, improve health and strengthen the male body.
A step-by-step set of daily exercises:
- Circular movements of the pelvis are performed in a standing position, feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Pelvic rotations are performed in both directions alternately for ten minutes. pull them closer to your belly.
- Squats with bent knees. Feet are shoulder-width apart, knees are slightly bent, hands are on the belt. Sit down, tense and relax the muscles of the buttocks as much as possible. Return to the starting position and repeat the squats.
- Lie on your back, raise the pelvis, resting on the shoulder blades and hands that lie on the floor, repeat 10 times.
- Exercise "bicycle", in a position on the back, raise the legs, making movements with them that resemble the rotation of the pedals.
The frequency of repetition of exercises is individual according to physical capabilities. The regularity of their implementation is welcomed.
Gymnastics for potency
The second way is to improve potency in men of any age by training the PC muscle at home. It is found in men from the pubic bone to the coccyx and supports the anus and internal organs, preventing them from prolapse. Technique: sitting in a chair with a straight back and relaxed muscles, slightly tilt your head back and close your eyes. Then slowly tighten the muscle and hold the tension for 3-5 seconds, then relax. Do at least 10 sets three times a day, gradually increasing the load. Gymnastics can be done lying on your back with your legs slightly apart or standing up.
How to eat to increase potency
The third way to increase potency and libido is proper nutrition. A man's daily diet should include foods that stimulate male sexuality (aphrodisiac products).
Herbal products:
- Peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds - enhance potency.
- Parsley, coriander, spinach, celery - increase testosterone production, increase potency.
- Citrus fruits - increase potency and libido, activate testosterone production.
- Pomegranate is a strong male stimulant that improves erection.
- Figs - beneficial effect on the duration of erection, restores strength, increases potency.
- Turnip - increases potency, arouses sexual desire.
- Onion and garlic - increase potency and sexual activity in men. Onions improve spermatogenesis and garlic is a powerful male aphrodisiac.
The basis of men's nutrition is meat, without animal proteins the production of testosterone and good potency are impossible. A good way to increase an erection before intimate contact is to eat 3 g of boiled camel stomach.
Seafood (crabs, lobsters, shrimps, etc. ) and oily marine fish help to improve erection in men. It is useful to eat boiled mackerel, it not only improves potency, but also promotes conception.
Men should eat cheese, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese and other dairy products daily. Milk protein is one of the main stimulants for the production of testosterone (male hormone). Eggs from chickens and quails help prolong sexual intercourse, restore potency.
Chocolate is a sweet aphrodisiac, it contains chemical elements that increase sexual desire. Phenylamphetamine affects the nerve centers in the brain responsible for pleasure. Tryptophan increases sexual arousal. Anandamide produces feelings of euphoria and increases sensitivity. Theobromine improves mood.
Honey is a medicinal aphrodisiac, it contains zinc, which is necessary for the production of testosterone (male hormone). Honey restores the functions of the male reproductive system, improves spermatogenesis and prevents diseases of the genitourinary system. To maintain potency and sexual health, doctors advise to eat honey from chestnuts, linden, flowers and ginseng.
Drinks to increase erection
The fourth way to increase erection in men is drinks. Green tea helps restore erection, ginseng root or ginger is added to it. Freshly squeezed celery and carrot juices mixed in equal proportions are an effective cocktail for increasing male sexual activity. Erectile function is improved by a cocktail of quail eggs with tomato puree and milk: add 20 g of tomato puree and 2 quail eggs, salt, pepper and spices to taste in 500 ml of hot milk. Beat the ingredients in a blender, the cocktail is ready.
Aphrodisiacs for increasing male potency are also contained in alcoholic beverages. Absinthe is considered a stimulant and mulled wine a fast-acting one. Tincture of anise and eggnog helps to increase potency in men. The main thing is not to overdo it and not abuse it.
What else can you do to improve your potency?
The fifth way to restore potency in men is a contrast shower. They are showered with alternating hot and cold water. The procedure has a restorative effect on the male body, improves blood supply to the pelvic organs, relieves spasms and improves mood.
The sixth way to improve potency is therapeutic baths. To increase potency in men, it is useful to take a bath with a bay leaf. To prepare a bath, chamomile flowers (100 g) are pre-steamed with three liters of boiling water in an enamel pot and infused for 20 minutes. Then boil bay leaves (5-6 pcs. ) in water for 5 minutes, pour a bath and add infusion and decoction of chamomile to warm water. A man should bathe every night for 30 minutes.
The seventh way to increase potency is the use of ice, which helps to increase potency in men. The ice is wrapped in the fold of several layers of gauze and used as a cold compress applied for 2-3 seconds on parts of the man's body. They start from the top of the head, then descend to the neck, chest, abdomen, scrotum.
The eighth way - folk remedies to increase potency. Consider proven recipes:
- Plant pollen to increase potency in men is an effective product in the fight against male impotence. Increases sexual activity, restores the male reproductive system, improves sperm quality. Single dose - half a teaspoon, consumed twice a day. The course of treatment with pollen is 2 weeks.
- Infusion of asparagus to increase potency: pour 10 fruits of the plant with boiling water (400 ml), close the vessel and let it infuse for 6-8 hours. The tincture is used 3 times a day for 50 ml. The duration of the course is 2 weeks. Dried, pre-crushed roots of the plant are used for infusion. Fruits and roots are used in a 1: 1 ratio.
- Nuts and honey are taken in equal proportions. Chop the nuts, add honey to them, mix well. The medicine is taken 20 minutes after a meal, washed down with milk. Take 2 teaspoons twice a day. The duration of the course is 1 month.
- To increase potency, onions are consumed raw or an infusion of 2-3 onions is prepared. They are crushed, poured with warm water (400 ml), left to infuse for 3-4 hours. The recommended single dose is 100 ml. Frequency of use - 3-4 times a day. Onions have a positive effect on the male reproductive system, improve spermatogenesis and increase potency in men.
- A healing lung to increase potency in men. Take 10 g of dried herbs and pour a glass of boiling water over them, leave to infuse for 1 hour, then filter and use to treat impotence in men. Take one tablespoon three times a day. The lung is used as a salad dressing.
Modern Medicines for Men
The ninth way to increase potency is stimulant drugs. Medicines that increase potency in men are available in the following forms:
- injection solutions.
- Tablets.
- Means for external use (ointment, balm, spray, gel).
The composition of preparations for men includes plant extracts to increase potency. External means dilate the vessels of the penis and arouse sexual desire, they are used immediately before sexual intercourse.
The tenth way is true and useful for men. In order to achieve positive results in the treatment of impotence, it is important for a man to get rid of bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, it is impossible to return an erection in 1 day, it is worth thinking about men's health and prevention in advance, combining methods to increase potency. Outdoor activities, sports, proper nutrition and good mood will help maintain male strength until old age.
Testosterone refers to androgenic sex hormones that are present in the body of men and women. Testosterone in men is produced in the testicles, in women the hormone testosterone is synthesized in the adrenal glands and in small amounts in the ovaries.
Synthesis of hormones
The male hormone testosterone in both sexes can be produced in small amounts in the adrenal cortex. In women, testosterone can be secreted by the ovaries and placenta. In men, the Leydig cells of the testes are the cells where testosterone is produced.
The hormone is a derivative of cholesterol. The amount of the synthesized hormone is regulated by the pituitary gland, which is located in the brain. If testosterone levels in the body are below normal, the pituitary gland releases hormones that stimulate the testicles to produce testosterone.
Generally, testosterone circulates in the blood bound to proteins (bound testosterone). Proteins help the hormone move from the cells that synthesize it to the organs it will affect. Such organs are called target organs. The protein-bound hormone has no activity in the body.
Active testosterone is a protein-free hormone. It can freely penetrate the cells of the body and exert its effect on them.
The percentage in the blood is: 98% of total testosterone and free 2%.
Testosterone level
The normal testosterone level in a young adult male is 300-1000 ng/l. With age, the production of sex hormones decreases, and testosterone levels decrease by 50% after the age of 60. The time of year can affect the hormone content in the blood. In autumn, the hormone in the blood increases significantly.
During the day, testosterone levels can also change. In the morning, the amount of the hormone is the highest, by the evening it can decrease by 13%.
Low level
Low testosterone in men is manifested by weight loss, an increase in the amount of adipose tissue (female type of figure formation).
Low levels may be due to Alzheimer's disease. The reason for a decrease in the production of male sex hormone can be a violation of the function of the testicles, adrenal glands or a violation of the function of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
With obesity, insufficient physical activity, intake of steroid anabolics, a large amount of simple carbohydrates, alcohol, nicotine, testosterone levels also decrease.
High level
High testosterone levels can have their downsides. Increased testosterone provokes the formation of blood clots, infertility, increases the risk of malignant tumors of the prostate gland.
An excess of the hormone increases body hair growth and thinning of hair on the head, causing breathing to stop during sleep for 10 seconds.
The reasons for the high level of the hormone can be excessive physical exertion, Itsenko-Cushing's disease, tumors, genetic abnormalities.
Effect on the body
The physiological effect of testosterone on the body involves several actions.
Anabolic action
The anabolic action of the hormone is necessary for physical strength. Namely for muscle growth and densification (calcification) of bones. Under the influence of the hormone, proteins, endorphins (hormones of joy), insulin are synthesized.
Testosterone is involved in the synthesis of lipoproteins in the liver. The hormone retains minerals and water in the body.
Androgenic action
The formation of sexual development is the main process in the body for which testosterone is responsible. Thanks to this action, the male reproductive system develops according to the male type (secondary sexual characteristics at puberty).
Special behavior
The psychophysiological effect of the hormone is manifested in behavioral characteristics. With increased testosterone content in men, uncontrolled aggression may appear.
In each age period of a man's life, testosterone manifests its action in a different way. Even in the prenatal period, under the influence of the hormone, the development of the testicles and the prostate gland takes place. Already at 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, the sex of the child is formed.
In boys and girls, starting from the age of 13, there is an increase in the level of sex hormones, including testosterone.
In adolescents, the sebaceous and sweat glands begin to function actively. Adult-type body odor gives signals to the opposite sex.
During puberty, there is increased activity of the sebaceous glands, which are influenced by testosterone, and acne during this period begins to become a problem for adolescents.
Testosterone in adolescents stimulates hair growth and active development of the musculoskeletal skeleton. The natural testosterone produced in the body affects the ability of young men to ejaculate.
Why you need testosterone at puberty in boys:
- sexual organs develop;
- there is increased spermatogenesis;
- muscle mass increases;
- hair growth begins on the pubis, face, legs, armpits, chest;
- roughens the voice (voice cracking);
- the chest expands;
- there is active maturation of bone tissue.
Healthy foods
All the products we consume affect not only our health, but also our sex life. Now the pharmacy sells a huge amount of means that affect the potency of men. But there are also products containing testosterone.
Unlike male enhancement pills, which have many side effects, plant testosterone is absolutely safe for health.
The only drawback of this method of increasing potency is that it does not have as powerful an effect as drugs. But if you follow the right diet and constantly use testosterone in food, then eventually you can manage without the use of tablets.
So what foods contain testosterone? In first place in terms of effect on testosterone levels are seafood. They contain a large amount of iodine, zinc, omega 3 fatty acids, which are the most basic building blocks for testosterone molecules.
Eating anchovies, crabs, shrimps, oily fish increases the secretion of male sex hormones. Since ancient times, oysters and squid have been considered powerful aphrodisiacs.
No less effective products that increase testosterone are nuts. They contain many vitamins and minerals that are involved in the synthesis of testosterone. It is very useful to eat hazelnuts, pistachios every day. But the walnut is considered the most useful. The best way to increase potency is to use a mixture of nuts with honey.
This is the same vegetable that contains testosterone or rather androsterone. This product is able to increase the action of the sex hormone and influence the development of secondary birthmarks. Eating this vegetable can increase a man's sexual activity.
Vegetables contain a large amount of organic vitamins and minerals that improve the synthesis of male sex hormones. In the diet, a man should include cabbage, broccoli, eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots.
Fruits and dried fruits with lutein
Fruits and dried fruits that contain lutein can also affect a man's sexual function. The use of fruits, mainly red and orange, stimulates the production of testosterone.
The green ones
Parsley, spinach, onions are vegetable forms of male sex hormones. These products contain androsterone and minerals that increase male sexual function.
The inclusion in the diet of rice, buckwheat, barley and wheat porridge can also stimulate the secretion of the hormone. Whole grains improve blood circulation in the pelvis, which also improves sexual function.
Wine, berries, herbs and spices
The use of dry red wine, berries, spices and spices suppresses the action of female phytoestrogens, which are contained in many products.
Fatty meat
Testosterone is known to be a derivative of cholesterol, so it is very important for men to have fatty meat products in their diet.
Medicinal herbs should not be neglected either. On the basis of such herbs as ginseng, eleuterococcus, golden root, drugs that increase potency have been created.
What foods increase erection and erectile function?
A big place in the lives of the representatives of the strong half of humanity is occupied by their sexual relations. After the age of 35, many men experience erectile dysfunction. But problems in the intimate life of men can also arise at a fairly early age. A weak erection has its own causes of development:
- Psycho-emotional disorders;
- Excessive work, stress, nervous tension;
- The presence of chronic diseases;
- Sedentary way of life;
- Improper diet, etc.
Often, the use of unhealthy food leads to the formation of various sexual disorders, including impotence. Many men prefer semi-finished products, fast food. The lack of wholesome food provokes the development of pathologies in the digestive tract, provokes the accumulation of cholesterol and causes a malfunction in metabolic processes. In the future, the above negative consequences can lead to the appearance of cardiovascular diseases, the development of which will adversely affect the male reproductive system. Increased body weight due to malnutrition can not only interfere with the normal functioning of the body structure, but also weaken the potency. In this situation, erection products will help. What is useful for representatives of the strong half of humanity? What foods improve erections?
When patients first turn to specialists with a request to eliminate the sexual disorders that have appeared, doctors often advise to organize a healthy diet for erection, its menu includes various aphrodisiacs, their healing properties improve male potency.
A man's diet should be balanced, the products should be enriched with useful trace elements, vitamin complexes, various essential amino acids, etc. Because it is with food that a person receives the necessary elements for the functioning of his organs. A properly composed nutritional diet is able to normalize erectile function.
Food for men should be different:
- zinc;
- magnesium;
- selenium;
- potassium;
- iron;
- calcium.
Nutrition for an erection
A person with food receives the necessary amount of components that have a beneficial effect on the erection process. Many representatives of the strong half of humanity often think - What foods increase erection? Are these special dishes that require complex multi-step preparation or simple food? Erection enhancement products are not uncommon or hard to find, they can be purchased at any chain store:
- Chicken / quail eggs;
- various nuts;
- Some varieties of fish;
- olive oil;
- Dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, cream;
- Lean meats;
- Black chocolate;
- Seafood;
- Vegetables - radishes, cabbage, turnips, garlic, carrots, beets, onions;
- Fruits - bananas, avocados, mangoes;
- Spicy vegetables - anise, celery, St. John's wort, basil, parsley, coriander, thyme;
- Natural coffee.
harmful products
The use of certain products can cause irreparable harm to men's health, contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction.
The following nutrients are not recommended:
- Fast food;
- pasta;
- The use of potatoes in large quantities;
- Sausages;
- Rice;
- Beer;
- Bread items (except black and white bread without yeast);
- Carbonated drinks, energy drinks;
- Coffee in large quantities.
We must also remember that the use of antidepressants, smoking, drug use can adversely affect the functioning of the male reproductive system.
The main products that improve erection
Erection products often contain natural cocoa, some of its properties have a beneficial effect on sexual activity:
- According to research results, the use of natural chocolate has a positive effect on the erection process - there is an expansion of blood vessels, an increase in blood flow;
- Natural cocoa contains flavonols - antioxidants that increase the number of functioning angiogenic cells that provide vascular tone;
- Real cocoa products are able to improve the production of nitric oxides, which leads to an improvement in the quality of the erection;
- Taking natural dark chocolate, cocoa powder, obtained by cooled technological methods, can help men normalize potency, eliminate sexual impotence.
Also, in the menu of a man suffering from erectile dysfunction, the following products to increase erection should be present:
- Garlic has long been considered an excellent means of improving erection - it increases the speed of blood circulation, participates in the production of male sex hormones, namely testosterone. This product activates certain enzymes responsible for the formation of nitrogen oxides;
- Pomegranate refers to useful products that increase male potency - it has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular structure, the reproduction of testosterone. The use of fresh fruit, natural pomegranate juice significantly increases the production of nitrogen oxides, preventing the development of oxidative phenomena;
- Spinach is saturated with natural nitrates, which in the structure of the male body turn into nitrogen oxides. This product increases testosterone levels, which leads to the activation of erectile function;
- Nuts are a wonder drug for the reproductive system. The intake of walnuts normalizes blood pressure, enhances the production of nitrogen oxides, and increases the qualitative characteristics of sperm.